sábado, 30 de junio de 2012
Our first day in Rome was amazing! We stayed in a kind of vila in Fuimicino and the first day we were lose in the town! Was funny but very warm outside. The two first photos are from Colosseo and the last one, from Fontana di Trevi, all amazing. I'll put more photos about this gorgeous trip.
This afternoon I have a shooting and next week I start again to work! Wish me luck!
jueves, 21 de junio de 2012
miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012
Did you know I love you? Well, if you didn't now I say: I LOVE YOOU! Even we know who you want to kill and sometimes you are mean (in the good way) you are one of the best persons I've ever met. Cause you showed me a long relation in distance is possible and even can be fatal in some moments also can be so beautiful in other moments!
lunes, 18 de junio de 2012
Did you read my update about my new changes? with this we can get experience, discover new things and to have more visitors and followers every day!
1. Follow me (If I see a new follower I will inmediatly follow back)
2. Comment me and say you are going to do it
3. The theme is to do publicity, we can post our blogs in our entrys. For example, is like do advertising of our blogs to get more visits every day, more comments, more followers and specially to discover differents things about our blogs!
So, if you are interested, follow me, comment me and say in the comment you are going to advertise me, and then with an entry, I'll advertise you :) So easy, don't you think?
PS. You can also send me an email with some questions you have! I'm so happy because I'm receiving a lot of emails asking me secrets of beauty! And I will create a page answering all this comments!
Hey betch! Yesterday I went to the swimmingpool with my boyfriend! :) at frist was terrible, because only put him suncream (and even this he's still red) he picked me up and jumped into the water! The water was terribly cooooold! then at 20:40 more or less we went to see the march Holland VS. Portugal... the result? So sad :( This year Holland is not so lucky :(
jueves, 14 de junio de 2012
Break in!!!!
Hiiii everyone ;D
I´m breaking in the blogger from my sweet girl ♥
She doesn´t know that I can do this but I hope she will like it ♥
Anyway I´m here for a couple of days and I will make her see a football match with me because I bought a Hello kitty Holland orange T-shirt. I don´t have any high hopes for Holland in this tournament (European Cup), because they play like they have never touched a football -.-
Furthermore I´m going to play a basketbal tournament in Barcelona when she is at work, we will go to Tibidabo (an old attraction park in Barcelona) and just be together ♥
I´ll be here till the 18th and I hope everyone like my little writing on her wall ^^
Greets for everyone and kisses for my love ♥
P.s I love you sweetie ♥
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
HEY BLOGGERS! Read it, please!
Hey! Well, the thing is that I've been thinking for something different, and I thought in an idea:
with it, we can get more experience and discover new things, moreover, we also can get specially more visitors and followers!
1. Follow me (If I see a new follower I will inmediatly follow back)
2. Comment me and say you are going to do it
3. The theme is to do publicity, we can post our blogs in our entrys. For example, is like do advertising of our blogs to get more visits every day, more comments, more followers and specially to discover differents things about our blogs!
So, if you are interested, follow me, comment me and say in the comment you are going to advertise me, and then with an entry, I'll advertise you :) So easy, don't you think?
PS. You can also send me an email with some questions you have! I'm so happy because I'm receiving a lot of emails asking me secrets of beauty! And I will create a page answering all this comments!
Love ya girls! xxx
Oh my Gosh!
Today I thought I finished my exams... but NO. In my end mark of history I took a 5, and I was happy because I thought maybe it would be less... but the teacher started to say me: ''You have a 7 in your first term, a 5 in your second and a 5 in your third... you can take more mark!'' and me: Yes but is the f*cking cold war, wars are difficult for me blah blah... so, she pressed too much and now I need to study more for tomorrow.. ¡ONLY ONE DAY TO STUDY THE THEMES! TT
So, people who see my blog and read it, dear people, wish me luck for tomorrow, because maybe if you all wish me luck, I will pass the fucking exam.
lunes, 11 de junio de 2012
Saturday Night
Here with her! Andrea's one of the persons who you can smile with during hours!
Hey! Look at my Lita's by Jeffrey Campbell, aren't they amazing?! I'm in love with them...
domingo, 10 de junio de 2012
Yesterday Night
Today I went to the beach, I'll do homework, study my three last exams (I really hate some teachers), sport a little and do something funny with mom :) For now, I go to sunbathe in my backyard!
Today I went to the beach, I'll do homework, study my three last exams (I really hate some teachers), sport a little and do something funny with mom :) For now, I go to sunbathe in my backyard!
sábado, 9 de junio de 2012
10 Junio 2012
Here with Silvia
It was so fun, we laughed and did a lot of silly things, I think in total we were 22 in the party! We also make videos, but it's better to burn them in hell hahahaha
Love you so much girls xxx
Like a godness
9 Junio 2012
Hey people! And again it's saturday :) After a tiring morning working, here comes the afternoon. At 21:13 I have to pick a friend up and then... to party! :)
Now I'm making my own nailart, I will do cardioaerobic for sport a little and then to the shower :)
And nothing more, when I'm in hollidays I will do more updates! and tomorrow...
martes, 5 de junio de 2012
05 June 2012
Watch: Parfois
T-Shirt: Topshop
SuperSkinnyJeans: Hollister Co.
T-Shirt: Topshop
SuperSkinnyJeans: Hollister Co.
Spanish literature... done! Catalan literature... done! Universal literature... done! English Grammar... done!
Thursday: history, the cold war, friday terribly filosophy, wenesday science and latin! And... GOOD BYE FOREVER TRALARÁ! Well, not forever, but untill september! :)
This is the last race.
Planning for this summer? Go to the beach, work, be very very tanned and go to a lot of cool partys or events and be all august with my boyfriend!
domingo, 3 de junio de 2012
Damn week
Hi everyone! This week will be a terrible week, all days I have at least one exam! But the 15th I finish my f*cking school, so... next week! And then, the 22nd I will be travelling to Holland (Yes, again), stay there and then... we'll go to Rome! FINALLY!
For now... stress, a lot of stress.
Commiiiiing soon!
For now... stress, a lot of stress.
Commiiiiing soon!
Hey people!
Too long without post it again, I'm sorry, but my school stole me so time and also happiness...
So, now I'm finishing my school I'm looking for some cool events and partys, so If you know about one, you only need to contact me :)
And in 19 days... ROME! I'm soooooo happy about it!
So, now I'm finishing my school I'm looking for some cool events and partys, so If you know about one, you only need to contact me :)
And in 19 days... ROME! I'm soooooo happy about it!
By the way: I posted in my Fashion & Beauty (F&B) Link. Where you can find it? Up, up!
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