Summer, where are you? where is the feeling that you feel when you smell the beach? when your skin touch the waves of the sea and you feel like a mermaid! Where is the sensation of eating an ice cream? of smiling in the street with your friends without die of cold!!!?
martes, 31 de enero de 2012
Summer, I miss you!
Summer, where are you? where is the feeling that you feel when you smell the beach? when your skin touch the waves of the sea and you feel like a mermaid! Where is the sensation of eating an ice cream? of smiling in the street with your friends without die of cold!!!?
sábado, 28 de enero de 2012
martes, 24 de enero de 2012
Love in my veins
domingo, 22 de enero de 2012
Feel miss world
Great results! Oh my god, this is what I call an artist! How someone can get it? It's so amazing! If we would go with amazing hairs too, we would be miss world! hahahaha and is a shame, because we only have this photos and I wanted to see a photo with my eyes looking at a camera *__*
Boring sunday!
And now is when I miss a lot my Tom, when it starts to be dark :( Convince my mother is so difficult and at every ''no'' I get more sad!
In some days 9 months by your side! Don't worry, we'll stay all the life together ♥
My MAC Products!
Yeah baby! Here are my new MAC Products! I love them *__* Really people, If you really don't know what give me as a present, you have just to go to MAC! Hahaha I wanted a Nail Polish and more Lipsticks but it was almost imposible, I hadn't got more money! Only if I wanted dinner!!! hahaha

Prep+Prime Eye MAC

Complete Confort Creme + Oil Control Lotion
266 Small Angle Brush
Fullfilled PlushGlass
Prep+Prime Eye MAC
Complete Confort Creme + Oil Control Lotion
266 Small Angle Brush
Fullfilled PlushGlass
Keep calm and be forever fabulous!
Yeahbaby, so this, Keep calm and be forever fabulous! hahahaha
This morning I woke up very early so I could do some homework, and I have just finished it! After the MAC makeup classes, we went to my friend Ander's party and then I came back to home.
By the way, in front of the MAC bag, you can see my new cosmetics! Gorgeous, right? *-*
sábado, 21 de enero de 2012
So cuties!
We are soooooo beautiful! At first, the man explained us some instructions and he started to make up us a half of our faces and then we had to make up the other half. He explained so good it and for this, we are right now like a princess! Then we got some MAC cosmetics! We are so happy! And now we are going to go to dinner the same that we ate last week :D Yeah baby.
Ah, Tom...
Do you know I love you, right? I miss you and I want to talk with you ♥
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012
Sweet dreams are made of this!
Hey people! Do you like my new photo of Blog?
Yey, and tomorrow another boring day at school, yeah, this is what I call life.
domingo, 15 de enero de 2012
Great January
sábado, 14 de enero de 2012
At first, we went to the station of the town and a black man who didn't know spanish asked us for the times, and we were laughing a lot because his english was so funny! it was good, but the pronunciation was really really funny. We hope you returned well :D Then we arrived to the center of the city and we went to spend money to MAC Cosmetics. In total? More than 100 :) But it was for my birthday present and last saturday we'll go to do some classes in MAC. Then we went to read some design books to Fnac and then again in the train we saw a friend, Claudia. Then we arrived and I dinned with Sara, in her home, and she practised make up with me :) This photo is of some minutes ago! :) ♥
Let's go!
Today was a boring day but I did some homework and more things I needed to start. And I miss A LOT a person who I want to talk and to say how much I love him :)
Happy weekend!
viernes, 13 de enero de 2012
Baking afternoon!
As you said... the next time we need to make something that we can actually eat instead of ourselves! But admit it, we had a great time! We need to go to the market to get some ingredients for make kinder muffins, or better, stone muffins... and Tom was fighting with my car to can park in a little place, but finally after three times, everything was ok! I miss all these moments! I can't wait till march... hopefully it arrives soon! But even everything, I love you! ♥
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012
All these day have been magical, wonderful. As you can see I had no time to act this blog so it means I was really bussy :$ We had moments of happiness, lauth, worries... but even the worries, we loved each other how never we did! I have come to the conlusion that he is perfect and that in some moment I will wake from a wonderful dream! Is when he looks at me, I get peace, happiness, he makes me feel so special at the same time, and when the things are black, he saves me from the dark♥
domingo, 1 de enero de 2012
Surprise ♥

At 15:30 someone called on the frontdoor and at first I thought it was my friend Ander, and I went to open the door... but my surprise arrived; I saw my boyfriend waiting in the door with a smile!
At first I was like crazy, I didn't know what to say, only that he is crazy... he said me this afternoon we would talk on Skype!!! I hugged him and then he lift me as promised.
And now we are sitting and writing this blog :)
1 enero 2O12
Ayer vinieron mis tíos y mi querido primo ♥ a cenar a casa y a celebrar la Noche-vieja! La verdad es que este año no salimos de fiesta por ahí como el año pasado pero nos quedamos hasta las 5 jugando a distintos juegos y la verdad es que me reí un montón con mis tíos y mi primo, no dejaban de decir cosas inútiles, menos mi tío que según él todo lo decía bien jajaja No soy una chica que precisamente le guste ir de juerga, es más, soy bastante tranquila para eso y prefiero tomar algún cóctel en algún bar donde pongan buena música y donde puedas hablar con las personas y no se te vengan todos como borregos, además porque el humo me causa dolor en los ojos ;_;
Hoy no sé qué voy a hacer, supongo que acabar deberes de catalán (porque voy perdidísima sobre los deberes que tenemos), ordenar la casa y Skype por la tarde con mi chico.
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