martes, 23 de octubre de 2012
In my opinion, like the rest of Holland I've seen, Amsterdam has a kind of special thing. When they ask me, what's your favourite thing about Holland? I don't know what to answer. It's everything, the people, the houses, the landscapes,the tulips, the windmills, the lenguage, the traditions, the organisation, the education of the people so polite, the simple thing of stay at home drinking a hot chocolat with marshmallows, poffertjes, stroopwaffel, hagelslag, speculoos, pepernoten or maybe what I like is the difference between Spain. But what I love most about Holland, is Tom. In summary, it's great! My friend Dustin (borned in Holland but living in Spain) says me he's amazed how i'm learning about this country!
En mi opinión, como el resto de Holanda que vi, Amsterdam tiene algo especial. Cuando me preguntan cuál es mi cosa favorita de Holanda no se qué responder. Es todo, la gente, las casas, los paisajes, los tulipanes, los molinos, el lenguaje, las tradiciones, la organización; la educación de la gente, tan educada, el simple hecho de estar en casa bebiendo un chocolate caliente con marshmallows (nuves de azúcar), poffertjes (una especie de mini crêpes pero mucho más cremosas por dentro, stroopwaffel (una típica galleta tradicional rellena de caramelo), hagelslag (pan, normalmente de molde, con virutas de chocolate, anís o galleta de todos los tipos, pepernoten (unas galletas navideñas típicas en sinterklaas) o quizás lo que me guste más sea la diferencia con España. Pero lo que realmente amo de allí, es Tom. En conclusión, es genial! Mi amigo Dustin (nacido en Holanda pero viviendo en España) me dice que está sorprendido en cómo estoy aprendiendo del país!
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012
These great days in Rome!
Hey there! How's everything? For me it's everything hell. I started my last year in high school and really, it's the death. Only three weeks and we already have a lot, but a lot of exam with a lot of theme to memorize. I'll get crazy, crazy! The good thing is...
5 days and HOLLAND!
I've been memorizing our days in Rome. My boyfriend gave me the trip as our 1 year anniversary, I loved it! We are in Fontana di Trevi, in the night everything looks so different! I love Rome!
Hola a todos! Cómo va? Para mi todo es infierno. Empecé mi último año de bachillerato y de verdad, es la muerte. Solamente llevamos tres semanas y ya tenemos muchos, pero muchos exámenes con mucho temario para memorizar de por medio. ¿¡Pero dónde me he metido!? Me voy a volver loca! Lo bueno es que...
5 días y HOLANDA!
Estuve memorizando nuestros días en Roma. Mi novio me regaló el viaje para nuestro primer aniversario, me encantó! Estamos en la Fontana di Trevi, por la noche todo se ve diferente! Amo Roma!
I've been memorizing our days in Rome. My boyfriend gave me the trip as our 1 year anniversary, I loved it! We are in Fontana di Trevi, in the night everything looks so different! I love Rome!
Hola a todos! Cómo va? Para mi todo es infierno. Empecé mi último año de bachillerato y de verdad, es la muerte. Solamente llevamos tres semanas y ya tenemos muchos, pero muchos exámenes con mucho temario para memorizar de por medio. ¿¡Pero dónde me he metido!? Me voy a volver loca! Lo bueno es que...
5 días y HOLANDA!
Estuve memorizando nuestros días en Roma. Mi novio me regaló el viaje para nuestro primer aniversario, me encantó! Estamos en la Fontana di Trevi, por la noche todo se ve diferente! Amo Roma!
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
Hey there! That's my next station, Amsterdam. I always wanted to visit this city, because it looks so beautiful and, that's amsterdam! My boyfriend will pick me up from Schiphol Airport and we're going to go to his home, again! How much nostalge! And from Rotterdam we're going to stay one day in Amsterdam. It will be so special too, because where I live we don't celebrate so much Halloween, and I love to be frightened! So we will celebrat it as much possible in Walibi Fright Nights, an atraction park in the night!
Hey! Es mi nuevo destino, Amsterdam. Siempre quise ir a esta ciudad, porque se ve tan peculiar y bonita, y además, es AMSTERDAM! Mi novio me recogerá al aeropuerto de Schiphol y vamos a ir a su casa, otra vez! Cuanta nostalgia! Y desde Rotterdam pasaremos un día en Amsterdam. Será muy especial también porque donde yo vivo no celebramos mucho Halloween, y me encanta esta tradición! Así que vamos a celebrarlo por todo lo alto en Walibi Fright Nights, un parque de atracciones por la noche!
A pasarlo bien chicos/as!
jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012
Hey people! Yesterday I bought my new Vans Shoes, the Vans I wanted are discontinued so I could not buy them :( But this are so similar and beautiful! And the best is that you can see my tattoo! I have more new things right now!
Hey gente! Ayer compré mis nuevos zapatos Vans, los que quería estaban descatalogados así que no pude comprármelos :( Pero éstos son muy similares y bonitos! Y lo mejor es que se puede ver mi tattoo! Aunque tengo más cosas nuevas ahora mismo!
Hey gente! Ayer compré mis nuevos zapatos Vans, los que quería estaban descatalogados así que no pude comprármelos :( Pero éstos son muy similares y bonitos! Y lo mejor es que se puede ver mi tattoo! Aunque tengo más cosas nuevas ahora mismo!
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Feather necklace by H&M |
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Golden necklace by MANGO |
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Fluor Pink Jumper by H&M And a lot more! xoxo |
miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012
This are my days before school. Even the thing inside the glass looks like beer... it's orange juice!
I am also making the project of this next year, so I needed to get some tests from Sweden.
Last day I meet with Mireia, an old friend I met 4 years ago thanks for Tokio Hotel!
Estos son mis días antes de empezar el colegio. Aunque lo que hay dentro del vaso parece cerveza... es zumo de naranja!
También estoy adelantando mi proyecto para este curso, así que necesité unos test desde Suecia.
El otro día quedé on Mireia, una vieja amiga que conocí hace 4 años gracias a Tokio Hotel!

I am also making the project of this next year, so I needed to get some tests from Sweden.
Last day I meet with Mireia, an old friend I met 4 years ago thanks for Tokio Hotel!
Estos son mis días antes de empezar el colegio. Aunque lo que hay dentro del vaso parece cerveza... es zumo de naranja!
También estoy adelantando mi proyecto para este curso, así que necesité unos test desde Suecia.
El otro día quedé on Mireia, una vieja amiga que conocí hace 4 años gracias a Tokio Hotel!
Starbucks in home! |
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012
Coming Back!
Hey people! I have been so busy the last days, but now I have more time!
In 1O days aprox. I'm also back to school and maybe I won't have enough time to post so long, or maybe yes, actually I always say when I'm going to start school again I won't have more time, but then I have all the time of the world!
Yesterday at 19:55 my boyfriend went to Holland again and I was sooooooo sad, in the airport I could not stop to cry and everyone was looking at us, and for my blame my boyfriend finished also crying.
By the way, I bought a lot of things. Later if I can I will post all this things!
In 1O days aprox. I'm also back to school and maybe I won't have enough time to post so long, or maybe yes, actually I always say when I'm going to start school again I won't have more time, but then I have all the time of the world!
Yesterday at 19:55 my boyfriend went to Holland again and I was sooooooo sad, in the airport I could not stop to cry and everyone was looking at us, and for my blame my boyfriend finished also crying.
By the way, I bought a lot of things. Later if I can I will post all this things!
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
Shopping time!
Hey people!
Yeah, a lot of time without post any blog, but I've been so busy these last days!
My boyfriend came all the month and we're having a great time! We have been in Port Aventura for days, and our hotel was great! We went to the newest hotel, Gold River, and I have to recommend to everyone! For next time we want to go to Caribe Hotel.
We also went to shopping, and I think my card was making smoke!
Yeah, a lot of time without post any blog, but I've been so busy these last days!
My boyfriend came all the month and we're having a great time! We have been in Port Aventura for days, and our hotel was great! We went to the newest hotel, Gold River, and I have to recommend to everyone! For next time we want to go to Caribe Hotel.
We also went to shopping, and I think my card was making smoke!

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012
sábado, 21 de julio de 2012
And yes, crosses are come back in fashion people!
Can you see the difference? :)
You can use a black t-shirt of any musical group or whatever it be, it would look nice :)
Now, leave your comments :)
viernes, 20 de julio de 2012
Hey! I found a jeans of Miss Sixty and I asked to myself: why the fuck I have this? I never putted! I didn't like them so much. So I had an idea.
Good change?
Tonight I will put here step by step! I hope you like them! Only now they're spike jeans!
You will see ;)
Good change?
Tonight I will put here step by step! I hope you like them! Only now they're spike jeans!
You will see ;)
viernes, 13 de julio de 2012
Hey there! Last wenesday I went to Patri's house, a girl who works with me. She was doing a showroom and I had to come, because I really love how she dress. I was the first so we started talking a bit, looking the clothes and drinking and after try everything, drink a coffee. Then I had to go to another friend from Castelldefels, we went to Starbucks coffee and laughed a lot!
She made it, it's so beautiful!
That's my favourite!
That's not from the Showroom, it's from some shopping I did days ago
7 Random Facts
1. My favourite animals are dogs and cats. I think is totally the opposite, like ying and yang, but they're so lovely and beautiful, I can be funny and active like a dog but shy and clean like a cat!
2. I'm a crazy about fashion. I want to study Fashion Design, I can't wait for it! I want to be a known fashion designer and also do something about model world.
3. I really could not live without Tom, my boyfriend, who is in distance with me between 1527 km, 15 hours and 36 minutes from me (By car). He gives me all the suport when I need, trust and believe in every thing I do. I really love you schatje.
4. I'm fan of Harry Potter. I readed all the books and I have seen all the films like a crazy. I growed with it!
5. The music I like most is Metal, Heavy or Rock. With my look I don't look like, but I think you don't need to dress the same kind of your favourite music. I love Avenged Sevenfold, Marilyn Manson, My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Guns&Roses and Tokio Hotel when they were normal and no only partying in LA and less work :)
6. My favourite sport is badminton and also tenis. I love dancing (Aerobic, Cardio and Comercial Dance) and my hobbies are playing the electric guitar, make up, fashion, drawing, nail art, baking or photography.
7. I work for Abercrombie&Fitch; In Hollister Co. and I really like it. ''Hey! What's up? Welcome to the pier ;)''.
And this award goes to: Joy Joan and Joann Carly&Stacie Angela Kaela&Flora Petitgraphie Grace Juliana Paulina Elle Em Joanna Arika Earlitha Olivia Ellie
Today's a working day ;)
HAHAHAHA I imagine the boys where I work doing this and it looks so funny :D
Nothing more for today! Have fun!
sábado, 7 de julio de 2012
domingo, 1 de julio de 2012
Hey there! There are the first photos about the shoot!
This photos are make and edited by: Judith Martinez:
Make up and style artist: Sara Lee:
This morning I went to work (yes, at first I didn't know I had to work, because I was not scheduled in the first week I took my vacations) but then I talked with a manager and all was fine, I went to work and then when I finished at 18:00 I went to take something in Starbucks Coffee (White Chocolat Frapuccino with Stroopwaffel), I was really hungry because I had no time to have lunch! Then I went to see the match.
SPAIN WINNER! We are the best team, also because we have the best players! Winner of all europe!
Hey there!
Yesterday she made me some photographies and another one has the work of make up and all kind of stylism. They made a gorgeous job! :) I will put here some photos! Great team!
sábado, 30 de junio de 2012
Our first day in Rome was amazing! We stayed in a kind of vila in Fuimicino and the first day we were lose in the town! Was funny but very warm outside. The two first photos are from Colosseo and the last one, from Fontana di Trevi, all amazing. I'll put more photos about this gorgeous trip.
This afternoon I have a shooting and next week I start again to work! Wish me luck!
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